I created a public service announcement for Cal State San Marcos using iMovie. iMovie is an awesome editing tool for making videos. I allows you to add screen effects, voice overs, cameo's, audio and much more!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Journal # 9- "Teaching Green" (Nets 1,2,3 & 5)
Waters, J.K. (2011). Teaching green. the Journal, Retrieved from http://thejournal.com/articles/2011/04/06/teaching-green.aspx
Summary: In this article Waters talks all about Teaching Green. It discusses different tools that can help children learn about ways to become green. Some sites that were mentioned are Classroom earth, A walk in the Woods, Power up and the US EPA Teaching center. It is important for kids to grasp the idea around recycling and becoming green. teachers can use these tools to express to kids how they can be green. By going on a nature walk the children can experience agriculture by using this site. It is a fun way to get the children interacted with nature and the importance of keeping it alive. Another site to help teach children is Power up. This one sounds very fun and would keep the children wanting to learn more. It is a game show that teaches what the future world would be like if pollution dosen't stop. I think that this would show children the reality of things and make them want to stop this from actually happening. It will encourage children to Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce :).
Question 1: How effective do you think the sites that were mentioned would be?
I think that they could be very affective. they are ways to get the children interactive and wanting to learn more. Children will always learn more when they are interested in something and I think that these would help interest them into going green.
Question 2: What do you think about bringing technology in to teaching about eco systems?
I think it is a great way to teach about many subject. Children are becoming more and more tech savvy and the more we can show them things using technology the more we can help them expand their technological minds. :)
Summary: In this article Waters talks all about Teaching Green. It discusses different tools that can help children learn about ways to become green. Some sites that were mentioned are Classroom earth, A walk in the Woods, Power up and the US EPA Teaching center. It is important for kids to grasp the idea around recycling and becoming green. teachers can use these tools to express to kids how they can be green. By going on a nature walk the children can experience agriculture by using this site. It is a fun way to get the children interacted with nature and the importance of keeping it alive. Another site to help teach children is Power up. This one sounds very fun and would keep the children wanting to learn more. It is a game show that teaches what the future world would be like if pollution dosen't stop. I think that this would show children the reality of things and make them want to stop this from actually happening. It will encourage children to Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce :).
Question 1: How effective do you think the sites that were mentioned would be?
I think that they could be very affective. they are ways to get the children interactive and wanting to learn more. Children will always learn more when they are interested in something and I think that these would help interest them into going green.
Question 2: What do you think about bringing technology in to teaching about eco systems?
I think it is a great way to teach about many subject. Children are becoming more and more tech savvy and the more we can show them things using technology the more we can help them expand their technological minds. :)
Friday, April 22, 2011
Journal # 6- "Grow your Personal Learning network" Nets 1,3& 5
Warlick, D. (2009). Grow your personal learning network. Learning & Leading With Technology (36)6, Retrieved from http://istelearning.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Grow-Your-PLN.pdf
Summary: Technology has made it possible for people to learn and expand their resources by just using a computer. PLN's (Personal Learning Networks) are a way that people can stay connected with someone around the world. We can get and share information with each other like we never could before. This is great for any type of work or personal interest that you want to know more about. As for educators some sites that have really expanded their PLN is Skype, Google Reader, Second Life, Mailing Lists, Diigo, Ning, Delicious, Google Talk, Wikis and blogs just to name a few. This tools open doors to a wide variety of information and knowledge. Warlick explains that there are three main types of PLN's : Personally maintained synchronous connections (Traditional PLN), Personally and socially maintained semisynchronous connections (Conversations with people but not exactly in real time) and Dynamically maintained asynchorous connections (connects us with valuable sources). All three of these types can be very useful to someone that wants to expand their connections and resources.
Question 1: What kind of PlN do you see yourself using?
I think that my PLN would be a combination of the three main types. It would connect me to people that I know as well as people that would be great resources to me in the field of education. Also I would want to have connections to valuable tools that will allow me to grow as a teacher.
Question 2: Is Facebook considered a PLN?
Yes it is. It connect people to each other and allows them to stay connected. You friend people that have the same interests as you or people that you know. You can also share information on your posts and people can give you feedback. It is a way that you can also share resources and websites with each other.
Summary: Technology has made it possible for people to learn and expand their resources by just using a computer. PLN's (Personal Learning Networks) are a way that people can stay connected with someone around the world. We can get and share information with each other like we never could before. This is great for any type of work or personal interest that you want to know more about. As for educators some sites that have really expanded their PLN is Skype, Google Reader, Second Life, Mailing Lists, Diigo, Ning, Delicious, Google Talk, Wikis and blogs just to name a few. This tools open doors to a wide variety of information and knowledge. Warlick explains that there are three main types of PLN's : Personally maintained synchronous connections (Traditional PLN), Personally and socially maintained semisynchronous connections (Conversations with people but not exactly in real time) and Dynamically maintained asynchorous connections (connects us with valuable sources). All three of these types can be very useful to someone that wants to expand their connections and resources.
Question 1: What kind of PlN do you see yourself using?
I think that my PLN would be a combination of the three main types. It would connect me to people that I know as well as people that would be great resources to me in the field of education. Also I would want to have connections to valuable tools that will allow me to grow as a teacher.
Question 2: Is Facebook considered a PLN?
Yes it is. It connect people to each other and allows them to stay connected. You friend people that have the same interests as you or people that you know. You can also share information on your posts and people can give you feedback. It is a way that you can also share resources and websites with each other.
Journal 8 - "Point/ Counterpoint: Should Schools be held responsible for cyberbullying?" (Nets 3,4 & 5)
Bogacz, R, & Gordillo, M. (2011, March/April). Point/counterpoint: should schools be held responsible for cyberbullying?. Learning & Leading , 38(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading/issues/Point_Counterpoint_Should_Schools_Be_Held_Responsible_for_Cyberbullying.aspx
Summary: Bullying has always and will probably always be a factor in schools. As our technology advances so have the techniques of bullying. Now it has been takin to computers and the Internet. Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is hard to control with all the technology out their. Kids are finding ways to harass and bully other peers over the internet. They commonly use facebook, twitter, email and many others to bully. This article debates whather schools should be more resonsible for this new form of bullying.
There are many reasons why people think that schools should be responsible as well as many reasons against it. Renee Bogacz argues that schools should be held responsible and schools should be one of the main groups trying to fight cyberbullying. She states that fighting this type of bullying is going to take parents, school admin, teachers and even the students on the same team in order to stop this. They all need to play there part by setting rules monitoring the children on the internet and kids themselves need to stand up for themselves.
On the other hand Miguel Gomez Gordillo dosen't think that schools should be held responsible for cyberbullying. He thinks that i should all be left up to the parent to stop this type of behavior. He blames the parents for the childrens need to bully other peers on the internet. He belives that parents need to have mre education on giving their children support so that they wont fill this need to cyberbully.
Question 1: What are your thoughts on who should be responsible?
I would have to say that he combination of the two maes most sense to me. I dont think that it is all the schools responsiblity to handle this on their own. I think that a combination of students, admin, teachers and even the community play a role in this and if its going to be stopped than everyone would need to be hands on.
Question 2: How can parents contrbute to stoping cyberbullying?
Parents can monitor their childs access to computers and know what their child is doing on them. Also keeping an open line of communication between them and there children will help the child feel safe to talk to them if they are being bullied.
Summary: Bullying has always and will probably always be a factor in schools. As our technology advances so have the techniques of bullying. Now it has been takin to computers and the Internet. Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is hard to control with all the technology out their. Kids are finding ways to harass and bully other peers over the internet. They commonly use facebook, twitter, email and many others to bully. This article debates whather schools should be more resonsible for this new form of bullying.
There are many reasons why people think that schools should be responsible as well as many reasons against it. Renee Bogacz argues that schools should be held responsible and schools should be one of the main groups trying to fight cyberbullying. She states that fighting this type of bullying is going to take parents, school admin, teachers and even the students on the same team in order to stop this. They all need to play there part by setting rules monitoring the children on the internet and kids themselves need to stand up for themselves.
On the other hand Miguel Gomez Gordillo dosen't think that schools should be held responsible for cyberbullying. He thinks that i should all be left up to the parent to stop this type of behavior. He blames the parents for the childrens need to bully other peers on the internet. He belives that parents need to have mre education on giving their children support so that they wont fill this need to cyberbully.
Question 1: What are your thoughts on who should be responsible?
I would have to say that he combination of the two maes most sense to me. I dont think that it is all the schools responsiblity to handle this on their own. I think that a combination of students, admin, teachers and even the community play a role in this and if its going to be stopped than everyone would need to be hands on.
Question 2: How can parents contrbute to stoping cyberbullying?
Parents can monitor their childs access to computers and know what their child is doing on them. Also keeping an open line of communication between them and there children will help the child feel safe to talk to them if they are being bullied.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Jounal 7 - My Personal Learning Network (Nets III, V)
My personal learning network-
My PLN is a tool for me to use now and way into my future. It is a way for me to gain information from other people in the field of education. It allows me to connect with people from all around the world and we can learn from each other. My PLN will help me when I become a teacher by giving me new creative ideas on how to implement lesson plans, answer questions that other educators may be able to help me with, and keep me updated in the world of education, as well as many more advantages.
Twitter is a social networking site that allows users to share useful information to one another interested in a certain topic. I used Twitter to help create my PLN by following people that are interested in education. I choose to follow several people that I think would give me helpful information in education now as well as in my future. The first one i choose to follow is Education IEP which is dedicated to improve education for special needs children. Teaching special ed is something that i have been interested in and would like to know more about it. This is a way i can stay informed on all the new information. I also decided to follow Billy Gorilly. Billy Gorilly is a friendly gorilla that helps children from ages 3-10 learn through songs, stories and activities. I was excited about this one because I could bring some of the ideas into my own classroom and make learning more fun for the children. Along with those I am also following School Supplies, a student and a teacher. School Supplies will keep me updated on the newest supplies out their to assist the children in learning. Blanca E Duarte is one of the students I chose to follow. She is passionate about education and tweets a lot about social media and youth safety. Sandra Mclarron is a science teacher that I can get ideas from on lesson plans for my students and maybe even in class experiments that I can do with my students. Overall by following these tweets it will open me to new resources and information to enhance my abilities to teach.
For my Diigo I have added five people to follow that are interested in education. they consist of teachers who have been in the field for many years and specialize in different subjects. One is is a lead teacher in technology here in San Diego. Another is an elementary school teacher. I feel that I can learn many things from these sources and they have helped expand my PLN. I have also added the Professional learning board which will keep me informed on new educational updates. I also tagged three helpful websites as PLN to help me now and in my future. I have added twitter4teachers, edtechpost and the educators PLN. These websites are great resources for me to expand my PLN.
For my Diigo I have added five people to follow that are interested in education. they consist of teachers who have been in the field for many years and specialize in different subjects. One is is a lead teacher in technology here in San Diego. Another is an elementary school teacher. I feel that I can learn many things from these sources and they have helped expand my PLN. I have also added the Professional learning board which will keep me informed on new educational updates. I also tagged three helpful websites as PLN to help me now and in my future. I have added twitter4teachers, edtechpost and the educators PLN. These websites are great resources for me to expand my PLN.
Classroom 2.0-
I joined the digital discussion forum classroom 2.0 which is a social networking site for people interested in web 2.0 and social media in education. I choose to look at the blog post titled "Behavior Charts???". This was interesting to me because I remember behavior charts being used when I was younger and I still see them in some classrooms today. The discussion was about how effective behavior charts really are and if they are useful to use in the classroom. Some really good points were brought up on this subject about how it may be affective for some children but not for all. The children with the behavior problems will get a negative message from this and it will most likely not help them improve. On this forum some people also gave ideas on how to better manage behavior in the classroom such as focusing on positive behaviors instead of the bad. I can really see how this tool will be helpful to me in the future and look forward to learning from other peoples experiences. :)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Journal #4- "It's time to tust Teachers with the Internet" (Nets 1,3,5)
Schaffhauser, D. (2010, December 1). It's time to trust teachers with the internet: a conversation with meg ormiston. Retrieved from http://thejournal.com/Articles/2010/12/01/Its-Time-To-Trust-Teachers-with-the-Internet-A-Conversation-with-Meg-Ormiston.aspx?sc_lang=en&Page=1
Summary: Meg Ormiston works with schools to help incorporate technology into the classroom. In this article she talks about how hard it is to get schools to allow 21st century technology, like social networking sites, into the classrooms. Ormiston states that schools are not trusting teachers to know what types of sites should be blocked from their computers or not. When schools tend to block a bunch of sites it restricts the teachers from bringing in technology into the classroom. It makes it hard for teachers to try and incorporate technology when they are being blocked all the time. Ormiston is a firm believer that we should protect our children form bad sites such as porn but we should also teach them how to use technology responsibly. In Ormisons interview she says that when schools tend to be more restrictive it will discourage teachers from bringing technology in and they will most likely give up. One thing that is highly overlooked is that kids now days have access to smart phones and computers that don't have all these filters on them. Who is teaching them what sites are appropriate and what sites are not if the schools aren't. Ormiston states that education is the key and that by blocking students from technology we are missing important opportunities to teach.
Question 1: Do you think teachers should be given the opportunity to decide whether sites should be blocked or not?
Yes I think that teachers should be trusted enough to make that decision. Like Ormiston said if we cant trust our teachers to decide if a websites appropriate then how can we even trust them in the classroom. Students should be limited from certain sites and monitored while on certain sites but the teacher should have enough good judgment to do so. I think that by putting so many restrictions on technology it is limiting the amount of learning going on inside the classroom.
Question 2: How do schools make sure that teachers have the right tools to integrate the technology appropriately?
I think that a good way to ensure that teachers know how to integrate the technology would be to educate them on certain sites that may be valuable to their curriculum. Maybe a class to teach them ways that they could use different sites as tools in the classroom. Especially for teachers that have been teaching for a while and may be stuck in their ways and may not be familiar or comfortable with new technology.
Summary: Meg Ormiston works with schools to help incorporate technology into the classroom. In this article she talks about how hard it is to get schools to allow 21st century technology, like social networking sites, into the classrooms. Ormiston states that schools are not trusting teachers to know what types of sites should be blocked from their computers or not. When schools tend to block a bunch of sites it restricts the teachers from bringing in technology into the classroom. It makes it hard for teachers to try and incorporate technology when they are being blocked all the time. Ormiston is a firm believer that we should protect our children form bad sites such as porn but we should also teach them how to use technology responsibly. In Ormisons interview she says that when schools tend to be more restrictive it will discourage teachers from bringing technology in and they will most likely give up. One thing that is highly overlooked is that kids now days have access to smart phones and computers that don't have all these filters on them. Who is teaching them what sites are appropriate and what sites are not if the schools aren't. Ormiston states that education is the key and that by blocking students from technology we are missing important opportunities to teach.
Question 1: Do you think teachers should be given the opportunity to decide whether sites should be blocked or not?
Yes I think that teachers should be trusted enough to make that decision. Like Ormiston said if we cant trust our teachers to decide if a websites appropriate then how can we even trust them in the classroom. Students should be limited from certain sites and monitored while on certain sites but the teacher should have enough good judgment to do so. I think that by putting so many restrictions on technology it is limiting the amount of learning going on inside the classroom.
Question 2: How do schools make sure that teachers have the right tools to integrate the technology appropriately?
I think that a good way to ensure that teachers know how to integrate the technology would be to educate them on certain sites that may be valuable to their curriculum. Maybe a class to teach them ways that they could use different sites as tools in the classroom. Especially for teachers that have been teaching for a while and may be stuck in their ways and may not be familiar or comfortable with new technology.
Journal # 3- 100 Things that make me Happy!
1) Family
2) Friends
3) BBQ's
4) My Husband
5) My job (most of the time)
6) My Baby Boy growing inside me
7) My dads jokes
8) sun shine
9) the beach
10) horses
11) the outdoors
12) swimming
13) my puppies (goober and Shane)
14) my iphone
15)saving money
16) paying off credit cards
17) my apartment
18) tax refunds
19) cousins
20) Going to the Desert
21) watching my husband ride his dirt bike
22) staying home in the rain
23)Watching my TV shows
24) getting HW done
25) Traveling
26) shopping
27) Christmas morning
28) getting my nails done
29) getting a massage
30) reading
31) going to the movies
32) date nights
33) Happy Hour
34) a clean appartment
35) the day after finals week
36) payday
37) My Tundra
38) music
39) dancing
40) girls night
41)getting an A
42) Holidays
43) Celebrations
44) alone time
45) summer time
46) Spring break
47) shopping for my baby
48) ice cream
49) Frozen yogurt
50) Starbucks
51) Jamba Juice
52) picnics
53) weddings
54) cuddling with the hubby
55) learning new things
56) Disneyland
57) road trips
58) Anniversaries
59) fishing
60) hot baths
61) Family get togehers
62) childhood memories
63) walking to the park
64) walks with my dad
65) hanging out with my brother
66) talks with my mom
67) getting to hear my babys' heart beat
68) going to the lake
69) surprises
70) pedicures
71) bike riding
72) laughing
73) the idea of graduating
74) teaching
75) solving problems
76) Texting
78) Facebook
79) Reconnecting with old friends
80) New friends
81) Super-cross
82) Rodeos
83) singing
84) clean laundry
85) when the husband does the dishes
86) my nephews
87) laying out
88) Christmas lights
89) getting things done
90) peace
91) full tank of gas
92) babies
93) good hair days
94) being organized
95) swimming
96)back up camera in my truck
97) Weekends
98) finding money in my pocket that i didn't know i had
99) opportunities
100) Life in General!
Question 1- Did you enjoy thinking of 100 things that make you happy?
Yes I did like this journal. I think that people dont take enough time to think about things that make them happy. Life is full of ups and downs that sometimes we get caught up in all the bad things that happen to us. It is nice to think about how good my life really is and that problems I may have seem little to the bigger picture.
Question 2- What is the number one most important thing that makes you the happiest?
It would definitely have to be my family. I am so lucky to have such a close and supportive family. I would not be anywhere even close to were i am today without them.
Journal #2- Join the Flock! / Enhance Your Twitter Experience! (Nets 1,3 &5)
Miller, S. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning & Leading With Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from http://www.learningandleading-digital.com/learning_leading/20100607#pg16
Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock!. Learning & Leading With Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading/issues/Join_the_Flock.aspx
Summary: This weeks journals are based on two articles that informs people on how to build and make the most out of your PLN (Personal Learning Networks) and Twitter Accounts. The techniques discussed in these articles will help you get a better understanding of technology tools that are out their. PLN is a community of individuals who learn together and from each other. It takes time to set up your PLN but once you have it their will be so many tools available to you. You can follow people that have the same interests and people that you would want to learn form. If you are into education and would like to learn more about it you would follow other people that also want to learn more about education. PLN allows you to ask questions or post links and articles that would be helpful to others in the same field. Another great thing about this is that it allows you to only post 140 characters which will eliminate a lot of junk that you don't need.Twitter can be used as a tool for teachers to collaborate and share ideas with one another.
Question 1- Can you see Twitter as being a useful tool for you?
Yes I could definately see myself sing it inside and outside of the classroom. I think it is a great tool to help expand your knowledge on certain subjects. By being able to follow other people in the same profession as you and collaborate ideas and links is a very valuable and awesome tool.
Question 2- Have you ever had an interest in Twitter before this class?
I would have to say that I have never had an interest in twitter. I never really new what it was and though it was just another facebook or Myspace. After reading these articles I know that it is much more than that. It could be very useful for anybody that wants to expand their knowledge on a certain subject. I am glad that I have been exposed to it and look forward to learning more about it!
Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock!. Learning & Leading With Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading/issues/Join_the_Flock.aspx
Summary: This weeks journals are based on two articles that informs people on how to build and make the most out of your PLN (Personal Learning Networks) and Twitter Accounts. The techniques discussed in these articles will help you get a better understanding of technology tools that are out their. PLN is a community of individuals who learn together and from each other. It takes time to set up your PLN but once you have it their will be so many tools available to you. You can follow people that have the same interests and people that you would want to learn form. If you are into education and would like to learn more about it you would follow other people that also want to learn more about education. PLN allows you to ask questions or post links and articles that would be helpful to others in the same field. Another great thing about this is that it allows you to only post 140 characters which will eliminate a lot of junk that you don't need.Twitter can be used as a tool for teachers to collaborate and share ideas with one another.
Question 1- Can you see Twitter as being a useful tool for you?
Yes I could definately see myself sing it inside and outside of the classroom. I think it is a great tool to help expand your knowledge on certain subjects. By being able to follow other people in the same profession as you and collaborate ideas and links is a very valuable and awesome tool.
Question 2- Have you ever had an interest in Twitter before this class?
I would have to say that I have never had an interest in twitter. I never really new what it was and though it was just another facebook or Myspace. After reading these articles I know that it is much more than that. It could be very useful for anybody that wants to expand their knowledge on a certain subject. I am glad that I have been exposed to it and look forward to learning more about it!
Journal #1- Do Web 2.0 Right ( Nets 1, 4 & 5)
Light, D. (2011). Do web 2.0 right. Learning and Leading, 38(5), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading/digital-edition-february-march-2011.aspx
Summary: "Do web 2.0 Right" discusses the challenges that teachers have had with bringing blogs into the classroom and why some lessons were unsuccessful. Daniel Light also talks about how teachers have overcome these challenges and the benefits of bringing blogs into the classroom for not only the teacher but also the student. Light Breaks up the success for Web 2.0 into three elements; daily practice, focus on audience and appropriate behavior.
The first successful element that Light discuses is Daily Practice. Teachers used blogs in the classroom in two different ways; individual blogs and classroom blogs. The individuate blogs were used as communication between the teacher and student which eliminated students fears about having their peers critique their individual work. Classroom blogs on the other hand were shared so students could comment and respond to the teachers prompts as well as other students.This type generates discussions among students about what they are learning.
The next element that Light discusses is the Focus on Audience. Audience is important to consider when a teacher creates activities for the students to participate in. Every student and classroom is different from one another and when planning activities a teacher should think about how it will benifeit this particular group the most.
The last element that Light talks about is Appropriate behavior. Having students interact in other ways than face to face runs the risk of having students bully each other or make rude comments to each other over the net. Its important for a teacher to monitor comments and make sure that students are giving one another appropriate feedback.
I think that technology 2.0 is a great tool to bring into the classroom if it is done the right way. I think that there are many things to consider when making lesson plans and creating activities for your students. The elements that Light mentions are important to consider when integrating the technology. I think that by bringing blogs into the classroom it can advance the learning of not only the students but the teacher. It is a way that teachers can get feed back from their students and get them to interact in other ways that just face to face.
Question 2- How will you incorporate blogs into the daily activities of the classroom?
I would like to incorporate this technology into my classroom by having a combination of individual and classroom blogs. I think that classroom blogs are beneficial in that students can get ideas from each other and interact with each other inside and outside of the classroom. I also think that Individual ones are important so that the teacher can get feedback on the classroom without students feeling the pressures of their peers being able to look at their personal opinions.
Summary: "Do web 2.0 Right" discusses the challenges that teachers have had with bringing blogs into the classroom and why some lessons were unsuccessful. Daniel Light also talks about how teachers have overcome these challenges and the benefits of bringing blogs into the classroom for not only the teacher but also the student. Light Breaks up the success for Web 2.0 into three elements; daily practice, focus on audience and appropriate behavior.
The first successful element that Light discuses is Daily Practice. Teachers used blogs in the classroom in two different ways; individual blogs and classroom blogs. The individuate blogs were used as communication between the teacher and student which eliminated students fears about having their peers critique their individual work. Classroom blogs on the other hand were shared so students could comment and respond to the teachers prompts as well as other students.This type generates discussions among students about what they are learning.
The next element that Light discusses is the Focus on Audience. Audience is important to consider when a teacher creates activities for the students to participate in. Every student and classroom is different from one another and when planning activities a teacher should think about how it will benifeit this particular group the most.
The last element that Light talks about is Appropriate behavior. Having students interact in other ways than face to face runs the risk of having students bully each other or make rude comments to each other over the net. Its important for a teacher to monitor comments and make sure that students are giving one another appropriate feedback.
Question-1 In what ways do you think its affective to bring blogs into the classroom?
I think that technology 2.0 is a great tool to bring into the classroom if it is done the right way. I think that there are many things to consider when making lesson plans and creating activities for your students. The elements that Light mentions are important to consider when integrating the technology. I think that by bringing blogs into the classroom it can advance the learning of not only the students but the teacher. It is a way that teachers can get feed back from their students and get them to interact in other ways that just face to face.
Question 2- How will you incorporate blogs into the daily activities of the classroom?
I would like to incorporate this technology into my classroom by having a combination of individual and classroom blogs. I think that classroom blogs are beneficial in that students can get ideas from each other and interact with each other inside and outside of the classroom. I also think that Individual ones are important so that the teacher can get feedback on the classroom without students feeling the pressures of their peers being able to look at their personal opinions.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Technology Self-Assesment 2.0 (Nets 1)
Nets I
On the 2.0 site I took an assessment to show where I am when it comes to incorporating technology into the classroom. My results are posted below and as you can see there is definitely room for improvemnet when it comes to me and technology. :)
I choose to explore the results of Nets 1 and "Google Groups". Google groups is a very helpful tool for not only teachers and students but also could be very valuable in the business world. Google groups allows you to have conversations over email or the web. It is a way to stay connected to people in your group and collaborate on things. You can start discussions within your group and keep in contact with what there doing. You can also have different groups for different things. You might want one group for fellow classmates and a separate group for people on your sports team.
I think that this is a great tool to know how to use especially in a classroom. Students can engage with other classmates and clarify things that they may not understand. It gives them the environment to collaborate on ideas and help each other. Also for teachers it is a great way for them to pass on ideas and give each other feedback on classroom activities. Nets 1 is all about inspiring students learning and creativity. This is a great tool to share with students to help them illuminate their own thinking, planning and creative processes!
On the 2.0 site I took an assessment to show where I am when it comes to incorporating technology into the classroom. My results are posted below and as you can see there is definitely room for improvemnet when it comes to me and technology. :)
I choose to explore the results of Nets 1 and "Google Groups". Google groups is a very helpful tool for not only teachers and students but also could be very valuable in the business world. Google groups allows you to have conversations over email or the web. It is a way to stay connected to people in your group and collaborate on things. You can start discussions within your group and keep in contact with what there doing. You can also have different groups for different things. You might want one group for fellow classmates and a separate group for people on your sports team.
I think that this is a great tool to know how to use especially in a classroom. Students can engage with other classmates and clarify things that they may not understand. It gives them the environment to collaborate on ideas and help each other. Also for teachers it is a great way for them to pass on ideas and give each other feedback on classroom activities. Nets 1 is all about inspiring students learning and creativity. This is a great tool to share with students to help them illuminate their own thinking, planning and creative processes!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Introducing Sara Johnson
Hey Everyone,
I'm Sara and I am 24 years old. I am a senior at CSUSM and am hoping to graduate in the fall. I am happily married to my high school sweetheart and we are now expecting our first child. :) So there are lots of changes headed our way which we are very excited about. When I was younger I lived in the Long beach area and attended k-3rd grades their at Bonita Elementary. After that we moved to Vista and have been here ever since. I attended Monte Vista Elementary School, Lincoln Middle school and than Rancho Buena Vista High school in 2004. Right after high school I enrolled into Palomar and have been taking college courses ever since. In 2008 I transferred to csusm and was originally an accounting major. I figured out that accounting wasn't for me and decided to switch my major to liberal studies. :)
When it comes to me and technology I am probably considered behind on a lot of it. I have a PC that I usually only really use for school. I know how to do basic things and everything that I need to get by. I have never used a mac before so it is very different for me. So it may take me some time to get use to. Also blogging is extremely new to me but I am very excited to learn more about it and get more up to date.
The csusm mission statement didn't really have an affect on my decision to enter this program. Honestly its because I have never read it until now. After reading it though I definitely feel secure in my decision. I think that the statement shows the dedication of the school and teachers to educate up coming teachers to the best of their ability. Also expressing the commitment towards student-centered education, diversity, collaboration, professionalism and shared governance is all important for the future of education. There is always room for advancement in the world of education and I think it relies a lot on future teachers.
I'm Sara and I am 24 years old. I am a senior at CSUSM and am hoping to graduate in the fall. I am happily married to my high school sweetheart and we are now expecting our first child. :) So there are lots of changes headed our way which we are very excited about. When I was younger I lived in the Long beach area and attended k-3rd grades their at Bonita Elementary. After that we moved to Vista and have been here ever since. I attended Monte Vista Elementary School, Lincoln Middle school and than Rancho Buena Vista High school in 2004. Right after high school I enrolled into Palomar and have been taking college courses ever since. In 2008 I transferred to csusm and was originally an accounting major. I figured out that accounting wasn't for me and decided to switch my major to liberal studies. :)
When it comes to me and technology I am probably considered behind on a lot of it. I have a PC that I usually only really use for school. I know how to do basic things and everything that I need to get by. I have never used a mac before so it is very different for me. So it may take me some time to get use to. Also blogging is extremely new to me but I am very excited to learn more about it and get more up to date.
The csusm mission statement didn't really have an affect on my decision to enter this program. Honestly its because I have never read it until now. After reading it though I definitely feel secure in my decision. I think that the statement shows the dedication of the school and teachers to educate up coming teachers to the best of their ability. Also expressing the commitment towards student-centered education, diversity, collaboration, professionalism and shared governance is all important for the future of education. There is always room for advancement in the world of education and I think it relies a lot on future teachers.
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