Warlick, D. (2009). Grow your personal learning network. Learning & Leading With Technology (36)6, Retrieved from http://istelearning.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Grow-Your-PLN.pdf
Summary: Technology has made it possible for people to learn and expand their resources by just using a computer. PLN's (Personal Learning Networks) are a way that people can stay connected with someone around the world. We can get and share information with each other like we never could before. This is great for any type of work or personal interest that you want to know more about. As for educators some sites that have really expanded their PLN is Skype, Google Reader, Second Life, Mailing Lists, Diigo, Ning, Delicious, Google Talk, Wikis and blogs just to name a few. This tools open doors to a wide variety of information and knowledge. Warlick explains that there are three main types of PLN's : Personally maintained synchronous connections (Traditional PLN), Personally and socially maintained semisynchronous connections (Conversations with people but not exactly in real time) and Dynamically maintained asynchorous connections (connects us with valuable sources). All three of these types can be very useful to someone that wants to expand their connections and resources.
Question 1: What kind of PlN do you see yourself using?
I think that my PLN would be a combination of the three main types. It would connect me to people that I know as well as people that would be great resources to me in the field of education. Also I would want to have connections to valuable tools that will allow me to grow as a teacher.
Question 2: Is Facebook considered a PLN?
Yes it is. It connect people to each other and allows them to stay connected. You friend people that have the same interests as you or people that you know. You can also share information on your posts and people can give you feedback. It is a way that you can also share resources and websites with each other.
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